AISICO plays an importante role in cultural heritage safeguard with SIP project

Our cultural heritage is what we will leave to our children to tell them our story and our traditions.
This is the reason why we decided to carry out a project of safeguarding our cultural heritage:AISICO is a company really sensitive to the theme of culture and the valorisation of italian cultural territory
This is the reason why we decided to carry out a project of safeguarding our cultural heritage: SIP Project (Integrative and Predictive System)
The project, funded by European Regional Development Fund (FESR and FES) was carried out by a research team that included public and private bodies such as : the Astronomical Observatory of the Valle d’Aosta, the Laboratory of Cultural heritage Department of Valle d’Aosta and Novasis Innovazione Srl.
The aim of the research is to develop new tools and algorithms to study the alteration of materials using non invasive techniques and passive monitoring, as well as new mathematical models to predict how the surfaces of materials degrade in time.
AISICO leaded the non invasive surveys carried put by SAPR technology that allowed to monitoring the state of conservation of the Arch of Augustus and part of the paintings of the Church of Sant’Orso in Aosta.
Thanks to the acquisition of HD images and the processing of the data obtained through the use of a software, it was possible to predict the degree of degradation that the materials, subjected to environmental agents, would experience in the future.