
BeSafe – dynamic monitoring and remote control of critical infrastructures.

BeSafe is a highly innovative solution to assess the safety conditions of a work of art.

Images obtained by drone surveys merge into a 3D digital twin of the infrastructure while neural networks and AI algorythms detect and classify all defects with unbiassed accuracy and reliability.
Defects are detected according to the rules fixed by the MIT (Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport) and classified – on each element – according to their relevance, depth and extension.
The result of the image diagnostics by AI techniques is a complete report which gives evidence of the health status of the infrastructure.

Bridge 3D digital model

The bridge 3D digital model may be navigated and visualized in all its structural components (i.e.: deck, span or beam) to check its real decay conditions and decide whether to place a network of smart sensors and monitor the evolution over time (dynamic monitoring).
A network of smart sensors will be set only when the overall infrastructure analysis is complete. If the smart sensor detects a safety problem, the attention threshold is exceeded and an alarm signal will appear (Real Time Warning). In this way, we skip useless data proliferation from too many sensors and reduce installation and monitoring costs.
Inspection and monitoring data are then easily managed and stored on the BeSafe platform which may be accessed by operators on the cloud.
Maintenance and operation activities are finally data driven so to be carefully planned and financially scheduled.

BeSafe is a breakthrough innovation for smart inspection and dynamic monitoring of critical infrastructures (bridges, viaducts and tunnels).
It is protected by a patent and one copyright, concerning the automatic defect recognition.

The European Innovation Council in June 2022 awarded the BeSafe solution with the Seal of Excellence.